Monday, January 17, 2011

Is all this progress is gain?

In life, there's progress and there's gain. These might seems similar yet so different. Progress is what I say is progress for me. For if I took every gain I had as progress I will be wishwasy.Chest heavy,takes what I got for granted,etc. For all is not my real accomplishments. Now even through  all the accomplishments I made in the last five years or so I only made two or three real ones. I want a apt. or a house that I feels like my home at the very first moment. A career that really supports more than lively hood but a cool job that I love. Having fun at both is the real gain. Living where you are just renting or mortgage a place and work is just just then life is pretty depressing. I know I been there. I hated to go to work and didn't get excited to go home. When it's right in both ,it is so pleasant.
It 's cool and so self help to make a list of what you find a personal and true goal. Be honest,let your heart talk your head listen then put it all together. Question the errors or lack of the fulfilment and answer it yourself.
Yeah you can get a promotion and survive this recession. But make sure you accomplish your true and honest progress because that's when you actually gain.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Say what?

 Today I made it home on time watch this particular Oprah show. Do you remember Nadya Suleman? The woman who has fourteen kids. Well today she appears on Oprah with this woman Suzie Ormans  who's been helping her for the past four years. Well today this Suzie woman pisst me off. She talked to Nadya worse than one talk to a child. She said "Talk louder!", "I don't believe you , tell the truth" and what really pist me off" I know you better than you know yourself, I know things about you that you don't even know" . And after every one of these remarks she had this stupid smug on her face. Obnoxious, arrogant and tyrant.
Why does people listen to these idiots ? I would've set the woman back into her place crying with waterfall tears if she'd talk to me that ay. Boy I was furiated.  Suzie Ormans is one those loud mouth that looks for people to follow every word they say. Who stupid to listen. Apparently this woman was advise her deals with Nadya finance . Nadya seems to listen to every disrespectful words that comes out her mouth.

So how is this Suzie woman actually doing for Nadya? Helping her to self destruct. Not the 14 kids is what driving her spirits to the mud, is looking for hard tongue approval. Suzie sees this and enjoys . She asked Nadya did you came back on the media for attention? "Tell the truth". She replied no. Then again with the ugly remarks and smug saying that the audience doesn't believe her . Like she should give a crapt!  Then close tote end of the show . Suzie asked her if she had a chance to go back would she made the same decision?

Now here's the realty! What the hell would be more disgraceful.? Allow oneself to be put down ? Worry about what strangers think of you? Goodness knows what the world these people you trying to please are really like. Let some idiot boss you around? Being a weakling in front of your kids. Your kids seeing in the future that you announce on live t.v. that if had to do it all over you wouldn't brought them into the world?
I said Nadya Suleman, girl if your spine was that strong to bare those kids you better stand up for yourself!!
Man,I don't know how she tolerate that mess. She have to be strong her huge land.(kids)

My advice, you grown ,YOU ARE GROWN!!! Yeah, things or kids comes up. Be careful, think ahead and forgive yourself. Don't let anyone force or brainwash yourself to believe demeaning or false belief out is the way to succeed. No way!! You be strong. If you are a parent ,be stronger. Intelligence,self respect and level headed is what needed to survive hardships. As you might seen over the years that once a person has a problem ,others sets more in minds. Making a person feels less worth unless under others approval. Stupid. Stupid. Adults be adults.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fried Chicken and beef

 I usual a beef person.But love a good fried chicken. I double base my chicken and fried in lard. Heart risk? Nah.! Only when eaten frequently. Only occasionally I cook this. I take my chicken and wash, dip into wet seasoned flour then into dry flour. Place in skillet inch fill with lard. Others use some kinds of oil. But lard gives the flavor that I love plus when to reheat it 'll never dries out. Unlike oil once done it pretty dry then the next day its bland.
While chicken is frying sometimes I fried some beef. Strips of London Broil into pot. skillet without lard only it drippings. Stir fry with onions and green peppers . Pot of yellow rice added with corn and sweet peas.
Once all  cook and done it's a meal you'll never forget. Delicious.
I made this big dinner for my family time to time. They love it. I also likes that this will leave more variety of left overs. Plus  just having more options  makes you feel better. Like when I prepare lunch for work. I can get up and think what I'm the mood for, pack it up off I go. The chicken always juicy ,the microwave can't even dry it out.  And beef stays moist when it's saute in its own juices.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Prosper Prospects

 I want to live more than just comfortable. All I do is work hard and see the pay flies away. Is it money or clout to get further wealth in life? I believe it's both. Because it's funny how a few of my co-workers has similar salaries as I ,same bills but has more. I used to assumed once you 'll have an alright job things will simply falls into place. Nope . Not exactly. Educations opens doors.clout gives plait and right enviorment gives right accomplishments,savings and peace. For example; If I lived in the state where the salary only looks good on paper yet there's no value to purchase anything because it expensive then what's the point. Despair of what has to come out every month. Trying to save for the things you want. That's no way to live. With the right enviorment everywhere you can see life in  better perspective. I know this well. When I had this customer service job for a while &I lived in a nice three bedroom house(rented) , I enjoyed where I worked and where I lived . No stress.
I 'll be finishing obtain my bachelor degree in another year. Boy has it been tough. Beneficial . I'll be moving soon again! I want a better career plus a better place to rent.
As for clout, not much yet.I believe once I meet more characters that I like it'll come naturally.One of my friends is a great photogopher. He made such success with his gifted eye and whom he knows. Even I with my current job. My former co-worker informed me of this position.
We all works! But I have to admit it hurts not having a great car, peace of mind and wealth to enjoy.I'm not expecting to be a billionaire,well yeah, I'm not nuts! But, what I meant is that amount of happiness.
Most of my skills I learn hands on training. At college I worked on Economics and Words etc. But out in the working world is where I really got the skills of office Excel, dealing with claims and being a team player.
But I 'm tired repeating same instructions to people. You can't believe how many adults are more difficult than your on kids!!
My advice is to find the right enviorment to grow up and old. Life is short but you can have plenty wonderful forever!(A fulfill, satisfying and appreciate moment)